Remote Patient Monitoring Patient Eligibility Quick Guide

What to Know About Identifying Eligible RPM Patients and Completing the Initiating Visit

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) was already gaining popularity before the COVID-19 pandemic. When the public health crisis hit, the value of providing RPM services became even more apparent. Now it’s clear that remote patient monitoring is not only here, but here to stay, and it looks like RPM will be an integral part of our healthcare delivery system. Remote patient monitoring is not only a great service for patients, but RPM is one of the better reimbursing Medicare care management programs. When organizations properly follow the rules required for the delivery and documentation of remote patient monitoring, an RPM program can be a substantial win-win for patients and clinicians.

Download this Prevounce Quick Guide to learn how to:  

  • Identify eligible remote patient monitoring patients
  • Properly document the initial RPM visit
  • Share required education and documentation with patients

The Quick Guide also identifies common RPM-eligible chronic conditions and types of remote patient monitoring devices and shares helpful tips and considerations to help with patient engagement, streamlining patient reminders, selection of remote patient monitoring technology, and compliance with RPM requirements. 

Download the guide

About Prevounce

Prevounce helps healthcare organizations develop and grow remote care management programs that keep patients healthy and improve financial performance. We provide a cloud-based platform, cellular-connected patient devices, and expert services that support remote patient monitoring, chronic care management, and annual wellness visits.